takahē 105

To My Son: Nkhaya Paulsen-More
Dreampunk: The Art of Maryrose Crook
The Peach Tree: Maria Samuela
Nature Walk (ASMR, Meditation, Sleep-aid): Matthew Harris
Wild Milk: Alex Skousen
The Girl Who Always Said Yes: Feby Idrus
Taken Time: Kim Jackways
Matariki Short Short Story Celebration
Matariki Girl: Aine Whelan-Kopa
The Resurrection of Jo-fish: Frankie McMillan
Tonight’s Scheduled Programming: Lisa Onland
Hardy: Emma Neale
Stick and Poke: Leanne Radojkovich
This Time: Leanne Jepson
Titiro: Michelle Levy
Four Poems: Ash Davida Jane
Blackbird: Iona Winter
Two Poems: Tim Upperton
Self Medicated: Melinda Szymanik
#524 Instead I wait, I wait for the rain: Ashlee-Ann Sneller
Black Cherry Soap: Viv Smith
Book Cull: Kathryn Reeves
Golden Age: Anuja Mitra
For Roberto Calasso: Robert McLean
yellow: Hannah Marshall
Two Poems: Claire Lacey
Two Poems: Amanda Joshua
Two Poems: Tim Jones
mr palmer says: Miriama Gemmell
Last day with the grandkids: Michael Fitzsimons
Otago Eight Bells: David Eggleton
Spider Night: Molly Crighton
Fungal Jazz: Aaron Craig
Sanctuary by Andi C. Buchanan
Ten acceptable acts of arson: and other very short stories by Jack Remiel Cottrell
Bordering on Miraculous by Lynley Edmeades and Saskia Leek
Meat Lovers by Rebecca Hawkes
Everyone is Everyone Except You by Jordan Hamel
A Gentle Radical: The Life of Jeanette Fitzsimons by Gareth Hughes
Raiment: A Memoir by Jan Kemp
Grand by Noelle McCarthy
mō taku tama and ināianei/now by Vaughan Rapatahana
Beats of the Pa’u by Maria Samuela
Tūnui by Robert Sullivan
Rangikura by Tayi Tibble
Published by The Takahē Collective Trust.
Chair/layout/website: Chelsea Houghton; Secretary/Competitions/Distribution: Kaye Gilhooley; Treasurer: Yohana Stella; Associate: Anna Scaife;
Art/Comics Editor: Andrew Paul Wood; Fiction/Comics Editor: Zoë Meager; Poetry Editor: Erik Kennedy; Essays Editor: Alie Benge; Reviews Editor: Sile Mannion; Graphics: Maurice Lye; Publicity: Cerid J, Eloise Pengelly; Copy Editor: Anna Scaife; Distribution: Janine Spiers; Fiction Readers: Kathryn van Beek, Karen Clarke, Taylor Cunningham, Ben Herriot, Louise Lameko, Norman Penaia, Eloise Pengelly, Anna Scaife, Ruby Solomon, Erica Stretton, Rebecca Styles, Latika Vasil.
The Takahē Collective Trust affirms and upholds the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and acknowledges Kāi Tahu as the kaitiaki and takata whenua of the land we operate from.
Takahē is produced with the support of Creative NZ