About the Matariki Short Short Story Celebration

Every midwinter, the Matariki star cluster adorns the night sky, and mirroring this, the Matariki Short Short Story Celebration originated as a way to uplift a dazzling selection of very short fiction pieces.
Not a contest in the traditional sense, with no judge and no first place, the Matariki Short Short Story Celebration exists to showcase a diverse range of stories equally, which reflects takahē’s kaupapa.
The Celebration calls for stories on any theme and of no more than 500 words, from anyone currently living in Aotearoa New Zealand, along with New Zealand citizens and residents living overseas.
The first Matariki Short Short Story Celebration was held in 2022, and stories by Leanne Jepson, Michelle Levy, Frankie McMillan, Emma Neale, Lisa Onland, Leanne Radojkovich, and Aine Whelan-Kopa were published in that year’s August issue (#105).
The Celebration returned for 2024, this time seeking nine stories to spotlight. Stories by Catherine Bisley, Sara Bucher, Joan Fleming, Kim Fulton, Zac Hing, Tara Leckie, Aine Whelan-Kopa, and Annabel Wilson, and Iona Winter were featured in takahē 111.
For information about the next Matariki Short Short Story Celebration, check Competition News.